Saturday, February 14, 2009

"My Life Would Suck Without You"

I assume that you are sorry and regret that you said you did not want me, and that you would never come back to me. Now, though, you are standing at my door.

But perhaps I was wrong for fighting you and leaving you. I have my issues; so do you. Regardless, though, my life has no value without you.

We belong together. We are somehow united. Without you, my life would be less-than-pleasant.

I shouldn't miss you, but I do.

We have a dysfunctional relationship.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Gotta Be Somebody"

I wonder what it feels like to find the one we all dream of. Dreams are not enough, though, so I will wait for the real thing. I will know the real thing by the feeling I get when we meet. It will play out like a movie. I will hold my breath until I find the person I will be with forever.

Nobody wants to be last. Everyone wants to feel like someone cares. There has to be somebody to love me.

Nobody wants to be alone. Somebody must feel the same way. That somebody for me must exist.

Tonight in this street and moonlight, it feels right to be standing here with you. It is like deja vu. I will be holding by breath, and asking, "Is this the time when I find someone to spend forever with?"

When you are looking for a diamond in the rough you cannot give up because you never know when it will show up. It could be the one you are waiting on, so hold on.